Disaster Area Stuart 'Stevie' Leitch's Web Site


My name is Stuart Leitch but I'm known to most as Stevie for reasons I don't need to go into right now. I live in Glasgow with my wife and daughter and I wouldn't trade places with anyone!

I spent four wonderful years at the University of Glasgow studying Computing Science, often distracted by beer and Science Fiction. I took a masochistic interest in Functional Programming, eventially writing a compiler program in Haskell. The many late nights paid off when I graduated with an upper second class honours degree in 2001.

I made many dear friends in those four years, particularly through Io - the Science Fiction and Fantasy society. I have been an active member of Io since I started at university and have held three committee posts (including president in 2001-2002), written for the erstwhile fanzine TBD, and written (bits of) and appeared in (bits of) two Christmas pantos.

Since graduating, I have worked as a Software Developer for various businesses ranging from a small University spin-out to a major international health insurance firm. I've worked at enough places that I know there's more than one way to do any job. Right now I'm fascinated by figuring out what the best way is and I write technical blog - Don't Panic - with various thoughts on this.

Despite the website, geek job and many geek friends, I have a healthy scepticism of technology. I refuse to use any technology until I have a very clear idea of what it's for. Consequently my social media channel of choice is the Bon Accord.

I am a music lover, obsessively collecting the works of Guided By Voices and Robert Pollard. I am also a fan of many Post Rock bands (or avant garde wank if you prefer), particularly Mogwai. I also try to play guitar on occasion, and I would be a collector of vintage analogue synths, if one counted as a collection.

Stuart Leitch, January 2017